These blogs are my own personal thoughts. We are all pub politicians and bar stool world leaders at heart,my blog and web are just those sorts of conversations. p.s.if my grammar is poor please do not whinge!
24 Mar 2012
Speak the lingo
I am sat in a cafe in Brighton and listening (not being nosey) to a group of foreign nationals talking to each other in their own language and i am reminded about people (local to me - by that i mean England) who complain about why foreigners (by that they must be referring to anyone who is not born and bred in England) walk around our country talking in their own language, why don't they speak English if they live here? Well you know what how many of us, if we were to move to a new country, would speak to our friends and family in our new found language? You know the answer to that one.
23 Mar 2012
Students booze
I have just seen a news article (concerning the minimum price for alcohol) and where students are saying booze is part of the process of being at university and that they are being hit again because of it. I don't doubt that drinking is but i also don't condemn boozing. Heres the thing though, if you drank less you might actually have more free cash and therefore not end up in so much debt, which seems to be one of the main gripes about going to Uni these days. So tighten your belts like the rest of us.
22 Mar 2012
Facebook..... grrrr
You know what really surprises me is when companies allow employees to access Facebook (to name but one anti-social site - yes I am aware i just launched my website and blog on Facebook) during office hours. Sorry the reason why we go to work is 'TO GO TO WORK'.
So when you say you have a shit job on shit pay ask yourself the question "Just why is it that I don't seem to be doing as well as that other person"
So when you say you have a shit job on shit pay ask yourself the question "Just why is it that I don't seem to be doing as well as that other person"
18 Mar 2012
Guess what? that is my tax resource you are wasting not big business profits.
Okay so the Occupy London protestors were were making a fine stand about the world today and the greed of big corporates. Really?
What I saw was a bunch of people who were in the main probably unemployed, or had brilliant employers who let them have massively extended leave, camped outside of one of the capitals fine old buildings who were eventually evicted this week. Who paid for their eviction? Thats right it was the big bad corporates so well done protestors you really hit them
Kids - How many do you want? How many do we have to pay for?
The world is getting more populated every year, we have more mouths to feed, and the situation is not going to change unless WE (that we is not the Tories, or Labour or the Liberals, Greens etc it is us, the everyday worker) start to do something about it. We are quick to blame the country for not having enough money, but we don't stop and think should we have 3 kids, can we afford 3 kids, we just have them knowing that's the country will support them with child allowances, housing and tax credits all over the place.
The Children are our future. Someone famous wrote that into a song but they are, at the rate of worldwide growth, potentially one of the biggest problems on the planet. If there are no jobs now (well ones you want to do) and we are coming up with ways to make things cheaper, more efficient, time saving and free of human touch there will be even less next year,
Tax Does not have to be Taxing (I think I may have stolen that tag line)
The problem as I see it is that we all want more money and we don’t want to pay more tax, however we still want all the things we don’t want to pay taxes for so that we have the free cash to spend on the frivolous, we basically want it all but want someone else to pay. No government will win your vote if they go for a tax rise but that same government will get a kicking from you by not funding enough police, nurses, doctors, fire staff, benefits and pensions when in fact that is what we the tax payer are inflicting on ourselves.
We are all living longer which is a huge strain on taxes. I guess we could adopt the Logan’s Run policy on life that would save a few quid long term (that was a film reference for those of you under the age of 40). You see its a balancing act you can have it now or later or both we just need to decide whats important in our lives. If there are less benefits going out now or more taxes paid now then when we are older there should be a comfortable end to our
Your pocket my pocket our pockets
If you think that the world is in a mess think about your own credit card balance, the overdraft you have, the parts of your home that need a fix up, then look at the PS3, Wii, IPhone, fast car and think about where they came from and what you could have done better with that money. When you realise your money has not gone as far as you want then you can cut back, make a budget, or maybe go into further debt in the hope you will one day come out the other side smiling. Now give yourself the job of doing this for the country and you may then perhaps realise its never going to be easy keeping all those people happy because whether we as a country go further into debt, cut back, or make a budget there will always be something or someone that has to end up with less than what they want.
There are of course those who are genuinely needy and whom we have to support, in the same way you will make sure you can eat or heat. What happens when everyone says they are needy and we must have everything to help everyone? What tends happen is, rather then stop eating and heating, you find a way to keep ‘some of
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