Back in April I posted about this on my blog and, after hearing people on the news discussing this, I decided to rant again.
It is quite rightly, every persons right to have children but it is not every persons right to expect others to fund them, fully or partially. Don't get me wrong I am not having a pop at the parents of one or two kids, it's those that think they need to have many.
The bit that everyone is missing here is not just that we don't have the money to support an ever growing population, but that people are selfishly having them seemingly without realising that life for those kids will be tougher as they grow up right through to their old age.
We have more people in the world which means fewer jobs to share.
We have become more technology reliant and are doing this because its cheaper than using people to make things, again removing the number of jobs we can share.
We now live a lot longer and have to retire a lot later.
All of this stacks up to a huge problem for your kids unless we think sensibly about what it means for them and not what we want today.
Yes it does sound like restricting the number of state supported kids you have. If the better off people get to have more kids then so be it, if they can afford to feed, dress and school them then why not. We just need to make sure that they are made to pay the right levels of taxation.
I think it's simple if you don't have then don't expect others to pay. Bankers did that with our money and now look at the mess. Lets recognise that you do not need many children to make you happy and that we as a world cannot afford to pamper those that think this way.
It's not about me not wanting kids, thats my choice. Its not about rich vs poor as i am neither. It's about common sense when the world is in recession and will continue to be in one (or dip in an out of it) unless we tighten things up.
Actually what I'm saying is that its your right to have kids but please think about their future and ours.
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Location:High Street,Twyford,United Kingdom