Grumpy Old Man Hits 50

In 2011 I hit a milestone in my life and I started to compile thoughts about all those things that mess with my head, by that I am referring to those people and situations in life that a grumpy old man feeds on. To be fair not just myself as i am sure some of you have at some point woken up, driven to work, gone out for the night and thought aaaaggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!! This brings me to why I am taking up valuable www space (when its not porn) what the content is about, its purpose and what I aim to get from all this. 
Everyday I hear in the news, read in the paper or generally pick up in conversation about what is so bad about this country and why it is this governments fault, or the problem with this or that group of people. My opinion, and I am aware it is just my opinion, is that people quite often make their own problems. Sure money is tight and it doesn't go as far as it used to but we have to some extent all brought these problems on ourselves.
To be fair when I see and hear all the things that fill my head with rants I am aware that its possibly just me, but I do know a number of people who are like minded. We are all pub politicians and bar stool world leaders at heart in the same way we all know we would have picked the right England team,  to be fair my web pages are just those kinds of conversations.
I make no apologies for my rants as I said having hit 50 last year it just seemed like a good time to vent spleen at all those people, decisions, indecisions and crap that gets on my tits! 
Although the subject matter does seem to be moaning there are some up-beat items, things that I like and  over time these pages will expand and develop into the good, the bad and the ugly. 
If you feel like having a rant back then by all means do so, you can either use the email link or follow the link to my blog and have your say there, if you would like me to include it these web pages then by all means let me know.
Thanks for reading and allowing my indulgence.

1 comment:

  1. I too passed that milestone of 50 recently. I can't be sure if it's related to age but I am increasing finding everyday niggles and frustrations taking on more significance. It seems clear to me that many people today (of all ages) have lost any sense of responsibility. All too often it someone else's fault, someone else should pay, someone else will clean it up...
    I'm sure I have heard it said that "we're all in it together" but that certainly isn't my experience and it seems to be getting worse.


Please have your say, good or bad I am sure I will have heard it before.